AGM minutes
AGM Minutes - 6th June 2022
Welcome and Apologies for absence
Gill Dean chaired the meeting and welcomed everyone attending.
Thank you to Chris and Diana Bryan and Chris Waite for refreshments.
Apologies from Layla Moran, Ruth Sillitoe, Emily Smith, Laura Richards, Natalie Hunt, Paul Gamble, Roland Knight, Gary Hibbins, Laurel Symon and St Michaels Church
Minutes of the AGM June 8th 2021
Minutes had previously been approved by trustees and are available for all to read on the TAB website.
Matters arising
No matters raised.
Trustees Annual Report
The chair introduced the report and highlighted some of the challenges and ways TAB has adapted over the year.
The impact of COVID on young people has been severe. They are missing out on many “normal” life events and it has impacted their mental wellbeing. Due to this TAB are seeing triple the number of referrals.
Triage has been implemented to deal with this increase in demand with each young people spoken to, supported and given wellbeing packs whilst they wait for a councillor.
We continue to work in schools, building resilience in students and highlighting the wider offer of TAB. Holly recently took a group of young people to Adventure Plus which was very successful and we hope to continue projects like this. Outreach work has also started with funding from the Abingdon Town Council and with support from Damascus.
We launched our new premises at 3 Market Place with a successful open day and later had Layla Moran MP visit. The work TAB completes would not be possible without its volunteers:
Reception team – our reception team ensure that our clients are greeted with a friendly face. We are always looking for extra volunteers so please get in touch if you would like to help out.
Data – Howard Spencer continues to create data reports and statistics that help us analyse our performance and complete funding applications.
DBS checks – Roland Knight ensures that all our staff have up to date DBS checks.
Trustees – we have three trustees leaving TAB this year, Chris who has served over 10 years, 8 as chair, Steve who has 7 years with TAB and kept our website up to date and Sarah who will continue to work on TAB’s website.
Local support is crucial to TAB’s success. We continue to receive support from local councils, businesses, churches, local GPS, golf and other sports clubs.
Impact report, current issues and future priorities
The 2021/22 Impact Report was delivered by Holly Freeland and some of the young people who attended Adventure Plus in Clanfield.
Outcomes from the Adventure Plus trip were incredibly positive. The confidentiality of TAB makes the young people feel safe and willing to talk. Positive activities like this let them know that there are other things to do than getting into trouble.
We are also reengaging young people post covid with a youth space funded through the OX14 School Partnership.
TAB is now looking to sustain and not grow further. The premises are at capacity so we are unable to run more work there. We are looking to do more external activities and offer more training to other groups. parents and external organisations.
Thank you to Gary (who was unable to be here due to his honeymoon) and his leadership throughout the pandemic. He worked tirelessly, coming in everyday to ensure everyone had all the support that they needed.
Questions were asked at this point from attendees.
Q. How many young people drop out when waiting for support.
A. There is a waiting list for work, but around 90% do wait it out and receive the service.
Q. What is the gender balance?
A. 65% female
Q. Can more be done to reach the 23-25 age range?
A. A good proportion of our referrals come from school or from young people who are made aware of our service through our school work. This older age range also has other options for support such as Mind.
Annual Statement of accounts
Tim Eustace presented the financial statement for 31st March 2022.
Income has increased but so has expenditure with the majority being spent on service delivery to clients.
In three years both income and expenditure have doubled.
Wide range of funders from councils, local organisations and national funders, all were listed on the slides.
Majority of funding is spent on counselling and healthy lifestyles.
Big Lottery and Children in Need, both big funders will be coming to an end in a year or so and whilst we will approach them again, funds of this size are very competitive and not guaranteed.
Other trusts have been identified as we want to sustain the level of service and definitely not reduce when there is such demand.
Whilst there are relatively high levels of reserves, this helps us look secure when approaching new funders.
Support from local organisations helps strengthen any bids that we submit.
There are plans to cover the fall off in 18 months, but we are waiting till we are close to that point. Three charitable trusts have been identified and we are starting to build relationships with them.
Most funding in this sector is 3 years at most.
Election of Officers for 2021-22
The trustee nominations had been circulated and those proposed were re-elected
en bloc for 2021/22. They were Mike Brown, Laurence King, Luke Mattam, Dick Richards, Hilary Daffern, Tim Eustace and Sandy Kruger.
Mark Wilkinson was proposed by Gill Dean as a new trustee and seconded by Hilary Daffern.
Election of the chair
Luke Mattam nominated Hilary Daffern as chair for the forthcoming year and Dick Richards seconded his election. Hilary Daffern was duly elected by the AGM.
Hilary thanked Gill for her hard work as Chair over the past 2 years. Gill steered us through covid and all the legislation and risk assessments that came with it. We made sure that all young people were seen and supported.
Appointment of the Independent Examiner
Hilary Daffern proposed Mr Stephen Lawrence as Independent Examiner. Seconded by Mike Brown.
Steve and Chris were thanked for their time with TAB and Gill for her time as chair through such a difficult time.
Next year is TAB’s 30th anniversary. We will be in touch with various supporters for their help in recording the history of TAB for this celebration.
Date of next AGM to be confirmed.