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Cash boost from Thames Valley Community Fund

Our Chair, Hilary Daffern and Treasurer, Mike Brown attended Sulhamstead House, at the Thames Valley Police training centre in Sulhamstead on 30th March to collect an amazing £5,000 cheque from the Thames Valley Community Fund.

The Community Fund (previously called the Police Property Act Fund) is created from the proceeds of sale of goods recovered by the police that cannot be returned to their original owner. In accordance with the Police Property Act Regulations (1997) all awards from the fund must be for charitable purposes.

The latest round of funding launched on 16th January 2023 with £100,000 allocated to the pot. It closed on 6th February and received 193 applications, totalling approximately £1.5m. An evaluation panel of three members of staff from the OPCC, and the PCC, sat to review all applications.

Due diligence checks were made, as needed, and the list proposed to the Chief Constable who offered his input and approved the final shortlist. The recommendations were then approved by the PCC, and award letters (and unsuccessful letters) were sent out by email on 22nd February 2023.

In total, the grant awards will support 39 organisations with total funding of £105,520.



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