Photo by UK Parliament, licensed under CC BY 3.0
On Friday 28th January Layla Moran, the Liberal Democrat MP for Oxford West and Abingdon, visited our new premises at 3 Market Place. She has always been supportive of The Abingdon Bridge so we were delighted to show her round our new home.
Layla talked with four of our trustees and Healthy lifestyles co-ordinator, Holly Freeland for over an hour, discussing the work we do and our needs. Holly gave Layla an insight into the support that TAB gives to young people in the surrounding area. She was very interested in the issues young people face, what type of support is offered by TAB and how we are funded. Having been a teacher herself she is well aware of some of the issues facing young people today.
She said that she will raise the issue of accessing funding in Parliament and also at a planned meeting with Oxfordshire County Council.
She is very happy to write letters of support and help us as much as she can.
We are very grateful to her for visiting us and her continued support.